Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's Get Down to the Knitty Gritty.

I thought that tree looked pretty cold... so I knit it a sweater.

I'm assuming by now, you've seen some of my artwork. I hope it inspired all you knitters out there, or at least brought a smile to your face. Since you're curious enough to make it all the way here, let me tell you a bit about what inspired me.

I discovered the wonderful movement of Yarn Bombing ( As I understand it, the movement started in Stockholm, Sweden. To me, yarn bombing is the guerrilla act of anonymously knitted urban graffiti. It is not harmful to the environment, it is safe, easily removable by city officials if they choose to do so, etc etc. Most importantly, you don't really see it around too much. I like to think of it as a scavenger hunt. It certainly entertained me, and I wanted to pass this on to other Ithacans. I know you guys will appreciate it. Be on the lookout for more to come on a street near you!

Pretty much, to sum it up: Knitting ain't for grannies any more.